Thursday, March 3, 2011


Dear Family,

Surprised to hear from me on a Monday? President Jones has changed transfer days so Mondays will still be our P-Days and instead of getting our transfer calls Monday night we get them Sunday night instead. Last night we received word from the assistants and I am pleased to report that I will be extending my mission for another 18 months. Who's excited?!....if only that were an option.

Texas has my heart. I love being a missionary. It's been another wonderful week of teaching amazing people about the restored gospel and planting seeds along the way. When I first read the story of Ammon in the Book of Mormon; when he was brought before the king of the Lamanites and told him that it was his desire to labor in his kingdom for the rest of his life, I thought: "Why would you want to do that?" Now I know. I love the Plan of Salvation and how our Father in Heaven has provided a way for us to have for an eternity, the associations and relationships we enjoy in this life.

Words aren't good enough.

I'll leave you with our TSAM motto; something I've said everyday of my mission (and remember that I was not called to speak/write Spanish:). "I have been called of Jesus Christ through inspiration to serve in the Texas San Antonio Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I will boldly invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. I will stand for truth and return with honor. Behold I am a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God. I have been called of Him to declare His word, among His people, that they might have everlasting life. "e aqui, soy discipilo de Jesu Cristo, el hijo de Dios, e sido llamado por el, para declarar su palabra, entre los de su peublo, al fin de que al cancien la vida eterna."

I Love you Texas,

Sister Green

Monday, February 21, 2011


Dear Family,

It's been a pretty good week. We've been blessed with wonderful people to teach. A couple weeks ago we looked up a former investigator in our area book who was taught by the Elders a couple years ago. She's a sweet older woman named Mary. When Sister Reas and I went to go see her she was excited to have visitors and as we got to know her we learned more about some of the concerns she had when she was taking the lessons with the Elders. She learned a lot from them but felt strongly that what they shared wasn't true and she gave them the Book of Mormon back. Sister Reas and I invited her to learn more but she politely declined and told us we were welcome to come back and visit her.

We waited a week or so and went to see here again this week. We learned a little more about her and then we asked if we could watch a couple videos with her on The Spirit was great and I could tell He was softening her heart, especially when we watched things that talked about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. After we watched a few videos, Sister Reas and I shared our testimonies with her and we invited her to re-read the Book of Mormon prayerfully. She accepted, and we gave her another copy:)

We were also privileged to meet another older woman when we were knocking doors. Her name is Ellen and she let us right in. She told us a lot about her and she's had wonderful experiences with members throughout her life, and has been to church several times with them. She had nothing but good things to say and she enjoys reading which led her to read the Book of Mormon. She believes it could be true but was never invited or told what to do with that knowledge (until now:). She's interested in having us come back to share more with her and throughout our visit she kept saying: "I'm so glad you stopped by I was feeling really lonely today."

It always feels so good to know that we're in the right place doing the right thing, and I love that we can have that confirmed when we speak to others. The gospel is still and will forever be true. Have a great week.

Love you guys,

Sister Green

P.S. I attached a picture of the Bishop and his family (the Parkers) taken this week at dinner.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Dear Family,

Last Sunday we had Stake Conference and it was a broadcast from Salt Lake. The broadcast was through Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. We heard from Elder Marvin K. Jensen of the Seventy, Sister Ann M. Dibb of the Young Women Presidency, Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve, and President Monson; the Lord's prophet.

Elder Jensen spoke about covenants and how we need to keep them. He gave the example of Nephi and Zoram and invited us to be able to be so honest that people will know we will do whatever we say and that Heavenly Father's "fears will cease concerning [us]" (1 Nephi 4:37).

Sister Dibb spoke about virtue and she invited all of us to commit or recommit to living a virtuous life. She gave the example of Ruth and Naomi (one of my favorite stories in the Bible) and invited us to live in such a way that, just as Boaz said to Ruth, people can say of us; "For all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman [or man]" (Ruth 3:11). She also invited us to live the young women theme, PROS. Pray every morning and night. Read the Book of Mormon for at least five minutes a day. Obey all of God's commandments, and Smile.

Elder Ballard talked about the gospel and invited/cautioned us to remember to keep the gospel simple. He went over faith, repentance, baptism, the holy ghost and enduring to the end. He invited us to live the gospel fully and said if there was anything in our lives that kept us from doing that to repent. He reminded us of the Savior's Atonement and told us we should be repenting daily so that every week when we partake of the sacrament, we can be cleansed and continue to have the Holy Ghost with us.

President Monson spoke about members of the church who are not currently active. He invited us to reach out to them wherever they are and invite them to come back. It was a wonderful conference and the Spirit was strong there.

Yesterday was also a good Sabbath day. During the evening we were in a part of our area when a previous investigator came to mind. Her name is Stella and she was born and raised in China, and became a Christian there also. The previous sisters taught her but we haven't been able to have solid appointments with her because of the holidays. She's interested in learning more about the church so she can make a decision about the faith she wants to be a part of. She struggles understanding the Book of Mormon even in her own language so we read a little with her last night.

We began in 3 Nephi when the Savior comes to visit the people, and we read and explained each verse carefully. She had wonderful questions and a strong desire to understand every word. As we got to the part where the Savior descends and tells the people to come touch Him, she paused for a long time in deep thought and then she asked: "Is this true?" We bore testimony that it was and I admired her willingness to ponder and truly think about what was written. It's made me evaluate my personal scripture study and be more certain that I understand and don't just read it to read it.

It's been a great week and we're looking forward to another one. We have a lot of good things planned for the area and the ward mission is really pulling together and trying to increase the missionary efforts in the area. Hope you all enjoy your week. Happy Valentine's Day.

Love you all,

Sister Green

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Dear Family,

I don't have a lot of time this week. The week went well but I will wait until next week to write about it. My mission president's wife asked the departing missionaries to send her some mission pictures last week, so I spent most of my time taking care of that and reading e-mails.

I'll write more next week.

Love you guys,

Sister Green

Friday, February 4, 2011


Dear Family,

It was a rough week as far as finding and teaching goes. Sister Reas and I only taught one lesson and had one new investigator. It was sad reporting our numbers to our leaders this week but they're all so encouraging and reminded us to not be discouraged and to keep building upon our faith. My mind turned to the "No effort is Wasted" section from Preach My Gospel where it talks about how we all have agency and people can except or reject the message we share. It states that as a missionary, we need to teach in such a way that they will be able to make a clear choice.

Sister Reas and I strive to "develop the faith to find [those] that will receive us." We want people to see that the gospel is for them. I've found a lot of comfort from the scriptures; especially when other missionaries experience some of the same things I am at this time. In a district meeting a few weeks ago our district leader Elder Platt, shared a scripture about Nephi and some of his struggles trying to share the gospel. We've all at one time or another felt this as missionaries:

"And now I, Nephi, cannot say more; the Spirit stoppeth mine utterance, and I am left to mourn because of the unbelief, and the wickedness, and the ignorance, and the stiffneckedness of men; for they will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be."

I love that he remained diligent and continued to be a powerful missionary/leader and I love that we have his example in the scriptures. Speaking of Nephi that reminds me of a funny moment this week. Sister Reas and I had lunch with a member who is a convert to the church. She's been divorced longer than I've been alive and the thought of getting married again doesn't excite her much. We asked her how her scripture reading had been going and she told us she has also been reading in Nephi. She shared her testimony of what a good example he is and then we started talking about marriage and she asked: "Do you think Nephi is married?"...She'll find her own Nephi one day.

I've also found strengthened when the members tell us of their "missionary experiences". Yesterday during Sacrament Meeting the bishop invited the members to look at the and websites. These websites have been updated a lot. So much so that the first presidency has allowed us to go online for at least three hours (on a day other than P-Day) and familiarize ourselves with so we will know how to direct people, when we invite them to use it. We will also be given new pass-a-long cards for the website soon.

A few days ago for a dinner appointment a member showed us another website that I've never heard about before. It's They have two minute clips describing different things about our beliefs like missionary work and the Book of Mormon. It was really neat and it explained a lot. Go there when you have time and don't forget about You can create a profile if you want and it'll be more beneficial than Facebook:)

Love you all,

Sister Green

Monday, January 24, 2011


Dear Family,

Transfer week has gone well. My new companion is Sister Reas (Reese). She's been in the field for 13 months and in her last area she was companions with Sister Rae. She was raised in the church and she is the oldest of three; she has two brothers. She was born in Hawaii but grew up in San Diego California. The ward is always excited to see the different Sister Missionaries and they're always so loving towards us.

The past few days have been great getting to know one another and working together. I've felt Heavenly Father's help with all of my companions and He's given me as well as them the ability to adapt to each other so quickly. I wanted to take a picture so I could show you what she looks like but that will have to wait until next week.

We're excited for the new transfer which officially started today. At our transfer meetings where we go to find out who our new companion/area will be the assistants always share their testimonies of the transfer process. They get to work with President Jones really closely all the time and especially during the transfer process. One of the Elders, Elder Seymour, shared a testimony that was really powerful and made me so happy.

He talked about how he enjoyed reading the Bible to know how our Heavenly Father created everything spiritually before it was created physically upon the earth. He told us that the same process happens for our transfers and how president is mindful even at the start of a new transfer, of how the upcoming transfer will be. He shared his testimony of Heavenly Father guiding our mission president and he invited us to go out and physically create what has been spiritually created already. That strengthens my testimony that we are where we need to be and we're fulfilling a part of our lives and others as well in the plan Heavenly Father has created.

The gospel is so true:)

Love you all,

Sister Green

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dear Family,

I'm sending a quick e-mail this week letting you know how transfers have turned out. Sister Boyd and I will be separated once again. I will be staying here in Old Settlers and she will be leaving (we'll find out Thursday where she'll go). We love transfers.

One quick highlight of the week was when Sister Boyd and I got to go see Sierra again; the kind woman who let us in from the rain. We talked to her about the restoration and we talked more about our beliefs. She asked us wonderful questions. When we talked about the Book of Mormon and how we viewed it as "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" she said, " Yeah I can see that, even movies have sequels." I love that she's understanding the gospel in her own way. Sister Boyd and I have another appointment with her today after we e-mail and we're going to watch the Restoration DVD with her. She's heard some false things about Joseph Smith and how he was called to be a prophet so we love to make the truth known.

Wonderful things are happening in the Old Settlers area and all throughout the mission. Hope you all have a great week and I'll be looking forward to telling you who my next companion will be:)

Love you guys,

Sister Green