Monday, June 14, 2010



Another good week here. We've been really blessed with a lot of new people to teach and things are picking up with the University Branch. We're having an activity on Thursday that we've asked the members to bring their friends to so we can try to find more people to share the gospel with. Before I forget transfers are next week so I won't be e-mailing until Tuesday. 6 weeks and time goes by fast (in a couple days it'll be a year ago that I got my call). Things continue to go well with Sister Christensen and I. I kind of hope we stay together for at least one more transfer because we're starting to work really well together. If not then that's okay too.

Tonight we're having dinner/f.h.e. with a part-member family, the Cheng's. We've been teaching their 9 year old daughter Sarah and trying to prepare her for baptism. Her parents are just starting to come around to go back to church so we're trying to help them become active again; that way they all can be in the church together.

A couple of days ago we knocked into two students going to Texas State (Matt & Ian). They're both in grad school for physical therapy. Matt was raised Church of Christ and Ian was raised Catholic. Ian wasn't too excited to talk to us but Matt answered the door and immediately invited us in. He went on a couple of different missions for his church so he knows all about going door to door. He had never had anyone come to his door and he didn't know a lot about Mormons but he was really receptive.

We got to learn a little about them then we started with a prayer and they allowed us to share the Restoration. The Spirit helped me to be really bold with them. When we talked about how there is a living prophet on the earth today Ian asked us what the difference between the pope and the prophet was. We talked to them about the priesthood being restored to the earth. I use to be hesitant when I explained how Joseph Smith received the priesthood but know I love talking about it. Nothing brings the Spirit faster than when we share truth with people; then they can chose for themselves.

They're not converted or convinced but they didn't reject anything we said. Matt asked us if he could have the Book of Mormon and we left them with that as well as a pamphlet they could read. They're both really busy with school right now and we weren't able to set up a return appointment but I keep thinking about and praying for them. I love it when we can help people learn more about the church.

Other than that there's nothing too new to report. The work is moving forward. Love you all. Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men in my life:)

Sister Green

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello hello,

(You're probably still sleeping and since it's a holiday I suppose that's okay)

Each week gets better and better here in San Marcos. I'm getting used to being a missionary in the family ward and also in the singles branch. Lots of good things have happened and Sister Christensen and I have been able to meet a lot of nice people this week.

On Tuesday we fasted as a Zone to pray for different ways that we could help our brothers and sisters come unto our Savior through baptism. Sister Christensen and I specifically prayed to have more love for the people here; to see them the way Heavenly Father sees them. We also prayed and asked Heavenly Father to soften the hearts of the people here (Alma 8:10). Throughout the day we were counting our blessings and looking for little miracles. People were more receptive and although most of them said they were comfortable where they were, more people listened and we were able to plant seeds.

Last night on our way home we met a young man sitting on his porch. We went to talk to him and we introduced ourselves as the missionaries. He told us his family was Christian and very religious but that he wasn't. We asked him if he believed in God and he said No. We asked him why and he said it was because he doesn't see a reason to. We told him that God loved him and knew who he was and what he needs in life. We talked about how as missionaries we go out and help strengthen peoples faith in our Savior and in Heavenly Father. We mentioned the Book of Mormon and how reading it can help us in our lives. Before we could invite him to learn more he said "Okay, tell me about it". He got up from his chair and walked closer to us.

We said a prayer with him and we told him a little history about where the Book of Mormon came from. He opened up and told us a little about his life. (His name is Darrion by the way) He's 17 years old and he's preparing to go to Afghanistan at the end of the summer when he turns 18. He has an older brother and he'll be going to Iraq at the same time. He seems really happy about his life and his parents have raised him well. Even though he doesn't have a strong belief in God he believes in living a good, honorable life. He'll be gone to San Antonio for a week but he's planning on going to church on the base there and we'll be getting in touch with him when he comes back into town.

Another miracle happened this week as well. Sister Johnson and her new companion have been working with Linda Sue Perryman (the black lady who had a stroke) to help her prepare for baptism. She had her interview on Saturday and she got baptized yesterday. The sisters let her call me from their phone and she left a message after she got baptized. I was able to call her last night and I got to talk to her for a few minutes. She doesn't know our names, she calls us her ladies or angels and she knows our voices. When I called she said "Oh baby that's you?, I'm so happy!" I asked her if she liked being in the water and she said " Oh yes, I got baptized by a big man...and it was beautiful". She sounds so happy. The Lord's hand was in this for sure. It was such a huge blessing. He's so mindful of each of us.

It was a really nice week and we're looking forward to more miracles this week. Today for P-Day we're spending the day with the Lee family. They're in our ward and they're really good to the missionaries. Brother Lee's off work today so we're going up to Austin to for the day. Other than that nothing too new to report. Have a good day today.

Love you all,

Sister Green