Tuesday, July 6, 2010



It's been a busy but good transfer week. We had a lot of missionaries leave but we had the same amount come in. President and Sister Jones arrive this Wednesday with their family and President and Sister Cutler leave on Thursday; we're sad but excited. Sister Christensen and I were at a members house this morning and it was fun to see President Jones' name in the new Ensign for the month. There are a lot of new Mission Presidents this month.

We're continuing to see miracles and find people to teach. On Thursday we were trying to contact someone we found in our area book and we knocked on what we thought was her house. A man answered and he immediately invited us inside. His name is Eric and he's talked to missionaries on and off since 1998. He knew the woman we were looking for and told us she used to live in the building next door (which is identical to where he lives) but she had moved away. We got to know him a little bit and he began to tell us a little about his life. He's married but 3 weeks ago his wife left him and their three year old son Matthew, and now she wants a divorce. When he was talking I was praying to have Heavenly Father help us know what to say to him. All we could do was share our testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ. We talked a little about the Atonement and read a few scriptures from the Book of Mormon about different people who were going through difficult times but found comfort in Christ.

He seemed to be doing a little better and as we prepared to leave we asked him if there was anything more we could do for him. He said he remembered how people in our church can give blessings and he asked if he had to be a member to receive one. We told him he was welcome to have one whenever he wanted and he requested for us to come back the next day (Friday).

Later that night we had a weekly meeting with our Ward Mission Leader and we talked about who would be best to fellowship Eric. We called the member our WML suggested, Brother Payne, and went with him to see Eric the next day. He's a young single adult and he was willing to help out. Eric told Brother Payne about some of the things he was going through and Brother Payne opened up and told him that he had gone through a similar experience which I hadn't known. I'm grateful and continue to be amazed at how aware Heavenly Father is of all of us.

The quote where an apostle says Heavenly Father is mindful of us bit it's usually through another person that he answers our needs, keeps going through my mind. There are a lot of people who are in need and I guess they stand out because I'm supposed to be looking for them. We never know it but people all around us are struggling with their individual battles. If we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost we can be the comfort and support they've been hoping for. I'm grateful to have been in the right place to help bring comfort to someone in need. Sister Christensen and I are excited for our appointment with him in a couple days.

I'm looking forward to another transfer. Some things will be new and different but I'm excited. I'm enjoying every minute of sharing the gospel and being a missionary; even in the hottest of moments:). Thank you for your love and support. Love you all and hope you have a great week.

Happy 4th of July,

Sister Green

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