Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dear Family,

It was a great week again. Time is going by exceptionally fast. My companions and I were able to get to know more of the families in the ward this week. We continue to be blessed with people who are interested and we are looking forward to another week of sharing the gospel.

I'm reminded of President Cutler who told us that sometimes when we work we don;'t see the results of that work for a few weeks. The Lord is really blessing us for our previous weeks efforts. I've attached a few pictures that were taken on Thanksgiving at the Wolters and of another family (the Murffs) that we took a few days after Thanksgiving. Enjoy.

I also want to remind you that next week is transfer week and I won't be e-mailing until Tuesday. Love you guys lots and hope you have a wonderful week.

Sister Green :)

P.S. I'll try to write more next week

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