Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello Hello,

Because we will be spending the day in San Antonio tomorrow for Christmas Conference our P-day ends at 2 instead of 6 which means, another short e-mail this week.

This past week we've seen some awesome miracles in our area and in our disrtict. We've set goals to find more investigators and this Thursday we found a sweet familt of 6. the mom and the Grandma were not really interested at first (and the mom still isn't) but the mom allowed us to teach her four kids ages 10, 11, 12, & 13. We've taught them twice now and during the second lesson the grandma came and sat down and she read from the Book of Mormon with us. Three of the kids came to church yesterday and they loved it. The mom and grandma are Catholics but they're really nice feel that the children are old enough to choose their own religion.

We have a few other investigators as well and we've been working with them to help them progress and prepare for baptism. Heavenly Father has really blessed us and he's made up for the things we are lacking.

Other than that nothing new except of course Christmas Conference which I am so excited for!I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for all that you do.


Sister Green

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