Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello all,

Sorry I didn't get an e-mail off last week. I'm learning and was politely chastened by my dad, so next time I'll be sure to send a quick e-mail instead of nothing at all.

My Zone Conference a couple of weeks ago is still on my mind and I constantly think about the things Elder Snow shared with us. One of the things he said, that I loved was that we as members of the church are entitled to receive revelation in our stewardships. The past couple weeks have been challenging but there have also been really comforting moments too and Zone Conference was just what I needed.

My companion and I have an investigator named Diana(in her 50's) who lost her husband 18 months ago from cancer. My first companion and I heard about her thorugh a lady in our ward named Sister Haro and she along with a neighbor friend who also lost her husband a while ago went to the church to meet with the bishop. We were able to meet them that evening because we had our weekly coordination meeting with the ward mission leader.

I hadn't heard about either of them for awhile and last week we stopped by this members house to drop off books she could give to the Diana. After talking to Sister Haro we decided to stop by and visit her. We went to her neighborhood and started knocking on doors there so it looked like it wasn't set up (even though it kind of was). We were able to speak to Diana for a little bit and when we asked her if we could come back and share more she told us she would give us a call. To be honest I wasn't really convinced but the next day she called us and asked if we would stop by.

When we got there we started talking to get to know her better and she started telling us about her life. She spent 10 years as a Jehovah's Witness and has looked into many other religions since. The emotions and the pains she feels from losing her husband are still very strong and everytime she talked about him or about how lost she felt, she cried. She told us that she was stuck because she didn't want to die because she was afraid, but she also didn't want to live because she felt alone. It was really sad but we were able to testify and teach her the plan of salvation. There's still a lot of hurt there and of course it can't all go away with one visit but she wants us to keep coming back which is really good.

The day before we met with Diana, my companion and I were walking down the street to start knocking doors. We both saw a little house and my companion felt promted that that should be the first door we knocked on. A nice older lady answered and after we introduced ourselves and told here what we were doing she allowed us to come inside.

She also opened herself up and told us about her life and some of the things she had gone through. She suffers from depression and sometimes it's difficult for her to do or want to do things. We taught her the restoration and my companion and I felt prompted to talk a little more about the power of the priesthood. We talked to her about how men who have the preisthood can come and lay their hands upon her head and through the guidance of the Holy Ghost they can comfort her and tell her things the Lord wants her to hear. She agreed and two elders came to give her a comfort blessing. After they left we prayed and she said she felt lighter like everything was better. It was great to witness the faith that she had in this restored power that we've been blessed with.

Sorry if I'm rambling and some things I type don't make sence but I wanted to make sure I shared these things this week.

My testimony of the gospel as a whole is being strengthened. I'm grateful for this opportunity that I've been given to be merely and instrument in the Lord's hands to bring souls unto Christ. As members of the church we have a wonderful responsibility to share the gospel with others.

I love you all very much and thank you again for all of your support. Your prayers have strengthened and I'm grateful. As always I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Love you guys,

Sister Green

P.S. Sorry for any typos :)

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