Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello all,

This past week started a bit rough and I struggled a little bit. Or as my Mission President would say “You’re not struggling, you’re learning”. So I guess this past week I’ve “learned” a lot. I now have a new companion Sister John. She’s from Kaipato Arizona, close to Lake Powell. She’s Native American so she speaks Navaho and also Spanish. She’s not as good as she would like to be but the member that we live with is a native Spanish speaker and she’s promised to speak to both of us only in Spanish so we can learn faster. She’s really nice and we’ve gotten to know each other better these past few days. I had gotten really used to Sister Larrosa as my companion but I’ve learned that Heavenly Father doesn’t like us to get comfortable. He likes us to stretch outside of ourselves because that is when we are truly learning and growing. Six to twelve weeks from now I’m sure I’ll be going through the same thing. My companion Sister John told me yesterday that the only things consistent in life are the gospel and change.

We’ve been teaching a couple of new investigators that have shown lots of interest in the gospel. Yesterday while we were walking we saw this man who was working on his car with his son and we told him we were the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ… and that we were in his neighborhood sharing a message about our Savior Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. He looked at us and said “Restored? Wow, okay. We taught him a brief restoration and he asked if we had a pamphlet we could leave him and he’s allowed us to come back this next week to teach him and his family more.

Every week we get updates from our AP’s (Assistants to the President) and this past week they were teaching a lady in her home about the restored gospel and also about the prophet and twelve apostles. They said when they told her that we had a living prophet and also twelve apostles just like when Christ was on the earth she was really excited and wanted to share it with everyone so they could know too. She went next door to her neighbor’s house and walked in without knocking while they were eating dinner. She asked them if they knew that there was a prophet and twelve apostles on this earth today and they looked at her like okay, we’re kind of eating dinner right now. The family agreed to hear more another time but our AP’s were telling us how excited this lady was to share the gospel and likened it unto us as missionaries and may I add also as members. It really made me think about my excitement and willingness to share the gospel. This lady was so happy that there was one true church and she had been seeking for it for a long time.

There isn’t a greater gift that we can give to someone than sharing the message of the restored gospel. This past week during my personal study, my testimony about the importance of bringing the gospel to all people has really been strengthened. I read in D&C where Hyrum Smith’s son (I think it’s Joseph Fielding) had a vision about the spirit world. I’ve learned the righteous followers of Christ who were once on this earth are at peace because they know they’ve lived worthy of Heavenly Father’s choice blessings but they are still teaching and sharing the gospel with others, even after death, because of the importance of the message. We’ve been asked by our AP’s to study the atonement this next week and I extend and invitation to all of you to do the same. Each day I understand more and more about the love our Heavenly Father and Savior have for us and how much they want us to return back to their presence. We still have things we each need to experience but nothing is impossible if we have faith in Jesus Christ.

I love you all and thank you for your support. Hope everyone has a good week.


Sister Green

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