Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello all,

This past week seemed like it went on forever. There is always good news though. I was privileged enough to have my first baptism this week. I'll post pictures so you can see Ms. Emma Rodriguez enter into the waters of baptism on Saturday the 26th. I haven’t been able to fully wrap my mind around it yet but I’m grateful to have been able to share in such a life changing experience for her.

I continue to learn more each day and although some are not receptive, I’ve met many people who are humble, willing, and ready to allow the gospel of Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice to take effect in their lives. During my personal and companionship studies each day I’ve grown to love and really enjoy the scriptures. They give me strength and help solidify my testimony of the gospel and the way that it has changed my life.

Before coming on my mission I only thought about the gospel throughout certain times, but now that I’m here in the field knowing that it is apart of my duty as a missionary to share the things I’ve learned and know to be true, I think about it all the time. It’s been humbling to meet so many different people with so many different and unique situations. Sometimes I wonder how I got here and how it is that people are willing to allow us into their homes to share the gospel with them. Then I think about how Heavenly Father blesses us and allows us to find associations with people who will strengthen and help us. The people that I’ve met have likewise done the same for me.

My Spanish still needs work and I haven’t been able to do a lot of effective language study this week but I’m learning a lot from my companion and lots of others (including the Hispanic families we teach) have really helped me feel comfortable to say a few words here and there. My reading in Spanish is good and for the most part all of the words sound like they are spelled but sometimes I need help with pronunciations. Slowly... But definitely surely, I’ll be fluent in no time.

The weather is still hot and everything, including the bugs, is bigger in Texas! I love the area and the people and I’m really excited for General Conference this coming weekend. Hope you all get a chance to watch it! Thank you again for your letters and prayers and for all you continue to do to support me. Have a good week.

Love you guys,

Sister Green

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hey Family,

Thanks for all of the love and encouraging e-mails, letters, and packages you've sent me; it means a lot. Things are and have been going well. I still struggle with learning the language but i just have to keep reminding myself that it'll come with time.

I've learned a lot from other missionaries this past week. Their testimonies and faith have given me a lot of strength. Everyday I continue to learn of the importance of using my time wisely and being diligent. Not to have amazing stories to tell when I come home but because it'll help me be a more effective missionary in finding people to share the gospel with.

We're only teaching a few people right now but two of them have baptismal dates. One of them is Aisha Jones a lady I told you I was going to tell you about. She's a single mother with a five year old son. We meet with her every Thurday and every Sunday. Last Thursday when we got there her boyfriend who usually leaves when we get there was sitting in the living room next to the couches where we always sit. When we walked in I could immediately feel the tension that was coming from him. Aisha sat us down and he said he had some questions he wanted to ask us. My companion sensing the tention also asked if we could sing a hymn before opening with our usual prayer. He left the room while we sang I am a child of God.

After the song, during the prayer my companion prayed for the spirit like always to be with us and I too was praying exceptionally hard to be supported in what was about to come. We went into the lesson we had prepared for Aisha and about thirty minutes later her boyfriend came into the living room again. He had a lot of questions about the gospel and he was really frustrated. I don't even think he noticed how he came across but his tone was really strong. He had a packet of things he had printed off about ou church from the internet from scholars. He was concerned with the things we were teaching Aisha and didn't want his son to learn about them. Throughout the time we were there I my mind and body were at peace. Even though I could feel that he was upset my companion and I were really calm. My companion did a very good job at answering his questions and in the end we told him that we wern't there to convince him and if he wanted to know of the truthfullness of the things we shared with him then he needed to have faith and pray and ask God.

Everything surprisingly ended well and he was really calm towards the end. Aisha walked us outside and apologized and thanked us for being so patient in answereing his questions because she didn't want to. She also bore her testimony while we were talking to him which was really amazing. She told him that she needed something new and better in her life and the life of their son and because he didn't want to be the spiritual head in the house than she needed to do it on her own, truly powerful.

Needless to say the church is true. I'm amazed at the stength we are each given from Heavenly Father if we trust in him. I love that I get to be an instument in helping others come unto Christ. I love you all and pray for you as much as you do for me. Hope you all have a good week

Love you,

Sister Green

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hello Family,

I don't have a lot of time to write this week. My P-Day didn't go as well as I hoped it would've. I tried e-mailing this morning but MYLDSmail wasn't working properly. Other missionaries in the area had the same problem too. Sorry I didn't hand write letters last week and I did'nt get a chance to do it this week either. I'm hoping it'll get better as time goes by. I didn't even get a chance to read all of the e-mails that you sent to me this week. BTW please don't attach your letters anymore because some computers won't let me open them.

The past week has been good so far. I've been struggling a lot trying to get used to things. My companion is really sweet and she's been really patient with me. Her strength gives me strength. We've been teaching a lot of Spanish speaking families lately and yesterday we just got another one. A really sweet couple with their three kids. I'm picking up words here and there but since I'm not fluent all I can do is pray for my companion and the investigators to have the Spirit with them.

I need to let my comapnion use my computer now but thank you all for the love and support. I can feel your prayers. I hope everyone has a good week.

Love you,
Publish Post

Sister Green

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey Mom,

...where to begin? Today is my first P-day in the field. The past four days have been quite the adventure. Being a missionary is truly a humbling experience. Saying goodbye to my companions at the MTC was harder than I thought it was going to be (I didn't cry though) The plane ride over here was small, I mean that in a literal way. Everyone stared at us when we walked around the airport too. I was the only sister along with 15 elders. I had a lot on my mind after I finished making my phone calls and was in line just about to board. I was thinking about the next 17 months of my life (not that I'm keeping track) and this lady walked by and said "Good luck sister, I was you 27 years ago and it was the best thing I've ever done, and I've never forgotten it". It was nice to hear that from her. After the plane ride when we went to go get our luggage our mission pres, his wife, and his assistants were all there to greet us. It was refreshing to see familiar faces. It was also nice to get a hug from Sister Cutler because we're limited on hugs these days. I could've hugged her all day. I got to ride with the president and his wife on our way to the mission home because I was the only girl and the elders rode in the vans. It was nice to get them all to myself for a minute. They'll be finished with their three years in July so I'll get a new mission pres half way through my mission. When we got there we met the other brothers and sisters who help with our mission. We had lunch and had a brief orientation. Then we went to the Alamo and we were told the story that went on there. Then we stepped over a line and committed ourselves to be just like those at war that day on our missions. After that we were given Books of Mormon and we each had to place one. I was in a trio companionship with two elders from my district at the MTC so I felt comfortable. We were all able to place ours. I saw a lady with shades and tattoos and I walked up to her and introduced myself. She took off her glasses and she looked like she had been crying. I asked her if she was okay and she said yes. I started talking about God and our life on earth and how he loves us and doesn't leave us alone. I testified of our prophet and of the Book of Mormon and I said other things I don't remember but asked her if she would be interested to learn more and have the missionaries come to her home. She said yes and gave me her phone number and she accepted the Book of Mormon. I wish I could be the one to teach her but my first area is in a place called Leander about twenty minutes away from Austin and about two hours away from San Antonio where we were.

That night we had dinner at the pres house and I received your package by the way. I spent the night with two sister missionaries who have been in the field for awhile and I opened it when I got there. Thank you so much. I was so excited when I saw the oatmeal. It's my favorite breakfast. The cranberries are great for salads which I've been eating a lot of lately, because it's quick and easy to make. Thank you, thank you. It was nice to have something from you my first night here.

We had a teaching appointment my first day in the field with a lady named Aisha Jones. I'll tell you more about her when I write you. My companion's name is Sister Larrosa and she's from Paraguay. She's been out about 9 months so far. We live with a member here in Leander. Our car is a 2006 (white) Toyota with amazing air conditioning. My first couple of days of tracking I've been sweating so much. We're told to drink 3 liters of fluids preferably water a day. My body is going to go through some drastic changes out here.

My companion is really nice. She's teaching me Spanish. Oh BTW I'm learning Spanish. I was told in my call letter that things can change when I get here and they have. My companion has been teaching a lot of Spanish speaking family's lately and I was told I needed to learn Spanish too. I've been reading the Book of Mormon in English and Spanish during my hour of personal study. After I read a few lines in English I cross reference over to Spanish. It's a slow process but we were promised that if we read the Book of Mormon in our own language as well as in the language we are trying to learn(from cover to cover) we will master that language. I don't know who said it but it was one of the apostles.

Yesterday I was so excited to go to church. I was telling my companion how nice it was to be around people who liked us. The members are great and we always have dinner appointments. I was also invited by a councilor in the bishopric to introduce myself and bare my testimony. I surprisingly wasn't nervous and enjoyed it. Everyone was so friendly and it was nice to be up there looking out at the little kids and teenagers with big smiles on their faces because I'm a missionary.

Well I should let my companion get on now she was nice and let me go first. I've been on here for awhile. It's nice to not be timed anymore. I'll write you a handwritten letter now.

Love you,

Sister Green